In 2015, I began sending poems as birthday presents to my Facebook friends. At the beginning of 2024, I started making a list of all the poems that I had shared over the years. Since I often used poems for several days or even weeks in a row, especially when people liked them, the list has 797 poems in all (not 3653), almost all of them recently published online at the time I chose them. Here are the poets I chose most often: A. E. Stallings (13 times), C. Dale Young (12), Rae Armantrout (11), Yusef Komunyakaa (8), Adrienne Su (7), Terrance Hayes (7), Jane Hirshfield (6), and Matthew Sweeney (6). (Andrew Shields, #111Words, 31 December 2024)
1. A. B. Jackson, "The Cliff-Top Monastery"
2. A. E. Stallings, "After a Greek Proverb"
3. A. E. Stallings, "Containment"
4. A. E. Stallings, "Daedal"
5. A. E. Stallings, "Dyeing the Easter Eggs"
6. A. E. Stallings, "Empathy"
7. A. E. Stallings, "First Miracle"
8. A. E. Stallings, "Lockdown Puzzle: Hokusai's Great Wave Off Kanagawa"
9. A. E. Stallings, "Sea's fool"
10. A. E. Stallings, "Sunset, Wings"
11. A. E. Stallings, "Swallows"
12. A. E. Stallings, "The Barnacle"
13. A. E. Stallings, "The Road Up"
14. A. E. Stallings, "Triolet on a Line Apocryphally Attributed to Martin Luther"
15. A. Van Jordan, "Such Sweet Thunder"
16. Abdulkareem Abdulkareem, "Enchanted Beach with Three Fluid Graces"
17. Abriana Jette, "How Many Lovers"
18. Abu Ibrahim, "The Day Breaks"
19. Ada Limón, "Hell or High Water"
20. Ada Limón, "While Everything Else Was Falling Apart"
21. Adam Horovitz, "Into the Orkney Sky"
22. Adam Zhou, "Anti-Confessions"
23. Aden Thomas, "We were our Own Cartographers"
24. Adrian Matejka, "The Explorer"
25. Adrienne Su, "After the Dinner Party"
26. Adrienne Su, "An Hour Later, You’re Hungry Again"
27. Adrienne Su, "Eurydice"
28. Adrienne Su, "Lychee Express"
29. Adrienne Su, "On the Recommendation That American Adults Consume No More Than One-Quarter Cup of Rice, Twice a Week"
30. Adrienne Su, "Savory Versus Sweet"
31. Adrienne Su, "The Days"
32. Aidan Forster, "Prom Song I: Carnival"
33. Aimee Nezhukumatathil, "Dear Amy Nehzooukammyatootill"
34. Aimee Nezhukumatathil, "Sea Church"
35. Airea D. Matthews, "Anna Mae’s Woodlawn Baptist Choir Director"
36. Al Maginnes, "Polite Society"
37. Al Young, "Key to the Dollar Store"
38. Alan Shapiro, "Frieze"
39. Alberto Ríos, "Even-Keeled and At-Eased"
40. Alfred Corn, "In the Grünewald Café"
41. Alison Jones, "Astral Projection"
42. Alison Prine, "Hush"
43. Alistair Noon, "Escape from the Novinskaya Women’s Prison, Moscow, 1909"
44. Alistair Noon, "The Fuzzy Dashes Fuzzy Dots"
45. Aliyah Cotton, "Plastic Bag from Corner Store Laments the Self"
46. Always Thomas, "I Think More in the Car than I Do at Work"
47. Amanda Galvan Huynh, "Letter to My First Gold Hoops"
48. Amanda Turner, "Frogs"
49. Amanda Turner, "The Fish Hums to the Night and the Night Hums to the Fish"
50. Amlanjyoti Goswami, "Village Mela"
51. Amy Beeder, "The Jealous Minor Gods"
52. Amy Zhou, "Ad for a Mountain"
53. Andrea Cohen, "Something"
54. Ange Mlinko, "Cottonmouth"
55. Ange Mlinko, "The Fort"
56. Angel Nafis, "Ghazal for Becoming Your Own Country"
57. Angela Carr, "Silently, The Women Waited"
58. Angela France, "The Cloud"
59. Angela Narciso Torres, "If You Go to Bed Hungry"
60. Angela Topping, "My Sister Poses as a Beatnik"
61. Angie Macri, "What pleasure a question"
62. Anna Jackson, "Bees, so many bees"
63. Anna Sandy, "Wanting"
64. Anne Kennedy, "The Arrivals"
65. Anne Winters, "Two-Part Inventions"
66. Annie Kissack, "Delivery"
67. Annie Stenzel, "Pilgrim’s list"
68. Anthony Anaxagorou, "Text Message"
69. Anthony Etherin, "Moby Dick (Palindrome-Sonnet, Petrarchan)"
70. Anthony Lawrence, "Explaining Villanelles to an Alien"
71. Anthony Wilson, "Fresh Air"
72. Aracelis Girmay, "luam to her sibling"
73. Aracelis Girmay, "luam/asa-luam"
74. Aracelis Girmay, "to the sea"
75. Aracelis Girmay, From “The Black Maria”
76. Ari Tison, "The Storyteller Gets Her Name"
77. Aria Aber, "Family Portrait"
78. Ariel Francisco, "Seeing a UFO and Singing Frank Sinatra’s “Fly Me to the Moon” into the Night at the Top of My Lungs"
79. Arriel Vinson, "The Taste of Flight"
80. Arthur Russell, "Salt Shaker"
81. Arthur Sze, "Architect’s Watercolor"
82. Arthur Sze, "Forage"
83. Arthur Sze, "Midsummer"
84. Arthur Sze, "Net Light"
85. Arvind Krishna Mehrotra, "Aligarh"
86. Arvind Krishna Mehrotra, "Lockdown Garden"
87. Ashlee Haze, "temple"
88. Ashleigh Young, "How I Get Ready"
89. Ashley August, "Superstition"
90. Ashley Crout, "An Uninterrupted View of the Moon"
91. Atar Hadari, "The Country in Which I Was Born"
92. Atsuro Riley, "Moth"
93. Augusta Laurel Funk, "Still Life On The First Day Of Driving Home"
94. Austin Smith, "The Leaves"
95. Barbara Guest, "Finnish Opera"
96. Belinda Rimmer, "Uprooted"
97. Ben Banyard, "Experiment"
98. Ben Banyard, "Les Vacances de Monsieur Hulot"
99. Ben Seanor, "Some Anniversary"
100. Bernadette Hall, "a little hopeful song"
101. Bert Meyers, "Signature"
102. Bert Meyers, "With Animals"
103. Bethany W. Pope, "Hippocampus and Amygdala"
104. Beverley Bie Brahic, "Apple Thieves"
105. Bianca Stone, "Marcus Aurelius"
106. Billy Collins, "Cosmology"
107. Billy Collins, "Study in Orange and White"
108. Billy Ramsell, "Sound"
109. Bob Hicok, "Kriah"
110. Bob Hicok, "Postcard"
111. Brendan Galvin, "An Egg Island Equinox"
112. Brian Docherty, "Serenity"
113. Brian Simoneau, "Ars Poetica with Birds"
114. Brian Simoneau, "I Dreamed Freddie Mercury's Legs"
115. Brian Volck, "Snowbirds"
116. Bruce Bond, "Bill Frisell"
117. Bunny Moon, "A Flirtation Gone Awry"
118. C. Dale Young, "An Ordinary Boy"
119. C. Dale Young, "As If from the Sea"
120. C. Dale Young, "Henceforth"
121. C. Dale Young, "In Plain Sight"
122. C. Dale Young, "Las Palmas Reales"
123. C. Dale Young, "On Nomenclature"
124. C. Dale Young, "Portrait in Burnt Orange and Bitter Almonds"
125. C. Dale Young, "Portrait in Nightshade and Delayed Translation"
126. C. Dale Young, "Scales"
127. C. Dale Young, "Sunday Afternoon"
128. C. Dale Young, "The Bridge"
129. C. Dale Young, "Transept"
130. Caitriona O'Reilly, "The Airship Era"
131. Calvin Forbes, "Momma Said"
132. Calvin Forbes, "The Card Players"
133. Camille T. Dungy, "Frequently Asked Questions: 10"
134. Carl Dennis, "Bottle of Wine"
135. Carl Dennis, "Two Lives"
136. Carl Phillips, "Brothers in Arms"
137. Carl Phillips, "Monomoy"
138. Carl Phillips, "Stray"
139. Carl Phillips, "To Be Worn Openly at the Wrist, or at the Chest and Hidden"
140. Carl Phillips, "Wild is the Wind"
141. Carla Panciera, "Someone Asks Me to Consider Time"
142. Caroline Bird, "Megan Married Herself"
143. Cath Drake, "A Respectable Life"
144. Catherine Barnett, "Idee Fixe"
145. Catherine Barnett, "Restricted Fragile Materials"
146. Catherine Broadwall, "Wild Caraway"
147. Cathryn Shea, "A Price Favorable to the Buyer"
148. Cathy Song, "Snow in the Morning"
149. Charlotte Eichler, "Survivors"
150. Chase Troxell, "The Photograph of My Father"
151. Chase Twichell, "Lullabies of Elsewhere"
152. Cheryl Pearson, "The Mermaid Aquarium"
153. Cheryl Slover-Linett, "Ode to Muffins"
154. Cheyenne McIntosh, "Uncle Lazarus has a magic trick"
155. Christian Donovan, "Small hours chat"
156. Christian Sammartino, "How Aquarius Delivered Me to My Mother"
157. Christian Sammartino, "Self-Portrait as a Maple Tree"
158. Christine Vial, "Superman On The Victoria Line"
159. Christopher Crawford, "Opening the Gym"
160. Cian Ferriter, "West"
161. Claire Askew, "The lucky little girls"
162. Claire Crowther, "Creature"
163. Claire Trévien, "I discovered in this town more than a cliff"
164. Claire Walker,"A Well-Stoked Blaze"
165. Clare Jones, "The hard part"
166. Claudia Buckholts, "Antarctic Passage"
167. Claudia Emerson, "Bee"
168. Claudine Toutoungi, "Future Perfect"
169. Clay Matthews, "Psalm"
170. Cortney Lamar Charleston, "Devotion ('I Am on the Battlefield for My Lord')"
171. Craig Leland Sparks, "The Social Contract of Tupperware"
172. Craig Morgan Teicher, "Son"
173. Craig Santos Perez, "Halloween in the Anthropocene, 2015"
174. D. A. Powell, "cruel, cruel summer"
175. D. A. Powell, "Not Overlooking the Kum & Go"
176. Daisy Fried, "No God in Us but Song"
177. Danez Smith, "The 17-Year-Old & the Gay Bar"
178. Danez Smith, From “summer, somewhere”
179. Daniel Bennett, "Cinema"
180. Danielle Hope, "Mrs Uomo visits Myddelton House Gardens"
181. Danni Quintos, "First Milk"
182. Dante Micheaux, "Theologies for Korah"
183. Danusha Laméris, "Night Bird"
184. Daryl Muranaka, "Tether"
185. David B. Prather, "Journal Entry: Germination"
186. David Cooke, "The Wren Boy"
187. David Hernandez, "We’re This and We’re That, Aren’t We?"
188. David J. Thompson, "It Rains"
189. David J. Thompson, "Tiramisu"
190. David Kirby, "Man Catches Baby"
191. David Shapiro, "Gratuitous Oranges"
192. Deborah Allbritain, "My Past Life as a Man"
193. Declan Ryan, "Rope-a-Dope"
194. Denise Duhamel, "I Have Slept in Many Places"
195. Dennis Cooper, "ABBA"
196. Devin Johnston, "Dragons"
197. Diane Seuss, "Bobby"
198. Diane Seuss, "Romantic Poetry"
199. Didi Jackson, "Mercy"
200. Dilruba Ahmed, "Apella"
201. Donika Kelly, "Desire Path: Sequoia"
202. Donovan Kūhiō Colleps, "Kissing the Opelu"
203. Donovan Kūhiō Colleps, "Wākea’s Blue Teeth (a super bowl poem)"
204. Dorianne Laux, "Brother"
205. Dorianne Laux, "Moon Ghazal"
206. Dorianne Laux, "Peach"
207. Dorothy Chan, "Ode to Chinese Superstitions, Haircuts, and Being a Girl"
208. Dorothy Chan, "Triple Sonnet Because Boy, You’re Starstruck and I’m a Wonder"
209. Douglas Nordfors, "A Walk through Central Park"
210. Dudley Randall, "Booker T. and W.E.B."
211. Durs Grünbein, "Asked what it is", translated by Karen Leeder
212. Ed Hack, "Up from Sleep"
213. Ed Roberson, "Rosetta Stone Serious Study of Love Song (from the British Museum)"
214. Eleanor Wilner, "Ars Poetica"
215. Elena Karina Byrne, "During the Vietnam War"
216. Eliot North, "Homunculus"
217. Elise Paschen, "The Tree Agreement"
218. Elizabeth Campbell, From "Semele"
219. Elizabeth Crowell, "Ode to the Bottom of My Son’s Backpack on the Occasion of His Twelfth Birthday"
220. Elizabeth Worthen, "How it begins"
221. Ellen Bass, "Laundry"
222. Emi Maeda, "Pickled Plums"
223. Emily Berry, "No Name"
224. Emily Jungmin Yoon, "Bell Theory"
225. Emma Lee, "Before our meal"
226. Emma Lee, "Snow’s Reset"
227. Eric Gansworth, "Eel"
228. Estevam Coelho, "Song of a Girl Going to Bathe", translated by Richard Zenith
229. Evie Shockley, "senzo"
230. Fady Joudah, "The Floor Is Yours"
231. Faith Wilson, "lynette #1"
232. Federico Garcia Lorca, "Ballad of the Moon Moon", translated by Sarah Arvio
233. Federico García Lorca, "Two Evening Moons", translated by Sarah Arvio
234. Fiona Pitt-Kethley, "Burnt Barite"
235. Florence Lenaers, "On Laundry Day"
236. francine j. harris, "first, take a fistful of hair"
237. francine j. harris, "Portrait of My Father Mocking Sammy Davis Jr."
238. Frank Dullaghan, "The Big Outside"
239. Frank Lima, "Bright Blue Self-Portrait"
240. Frank Lima, "Felonies and Arias of the Heart"
241. Franny Choi, "Choi Jeong Min"
242. Franny Choi, "What a Cyborg Wants"
243. G. C. Waldrep, "St. Melangell’s Day, Eastnor ( II )"
244. Gareth Writer-Davies, "Cows"
245. Gayatri Rajan, "Ramshackle Waltz"
246. Geoffrey Brock, "Bryant Park at Dusk"
247. Geoffrey Brock, "Flesh of John Brown's Flesh: 2 December 1859"
248. Geoffrey Brock, "Forces of Nature"
249. Geoffrey Brock, "Midwinter Letter"
250. Geoffrey Brock, "The Beautiful Animal"
251. George Kalamaras, "Blown Away by 'Blues' from Bish at the Bank"
252. George Starbuck, "Sonnet in the Shape of a Potted Christmas Tree"
253. Gillian Allnutt, "abutment"
254. Gillian Allnutt, "magdalen"
255. Gina Tomaine, "Old Story"
256. Ginny Saunders, "The Biologist, the Poet and the Silverfish"
257. Graham Barnhart, "Breach"
258. Gregory Pardlo, "The Wedding Planners"
259. Gretchen Marquette, "Want"
260. Gwen Carlson, "Postpartum Omens"
261. Hai-Dang Phan, "My Father’s 'Norton Introduction to Literature,' Third Edition (1981)"
262. Hannah Linden, "The Change"
263. Hannah Lowe, "The Stork"
264. Hannah Stone, "Lisbon Minibreak"
265. Hannah VanderHart, "Poem with a Fairy Tale, Nesting Hawks and Space"
266. Harnidh Kaur, "Hold The Sugar"
267. Heather Christle, "On a Walk"
268. Heidi Beck, "While driving to Ikea for a laundry basket"
269. Helen Mort, "Ablation"
270. Helen Mort, "Push the button, hear the sound"
271. Helen Mort, "Scale"
272. Henri Cole, "107 Water Street"
273. Hera Lindsay Bird, "Pyramid Scheme"
274. Hieu Minh Nguyen, "Litany for the Animals Who Run from Me"
275. Hilary Robinson, "Pineapple Upside-Down Cake"
276. Hinemoana Baker, "Narcissist Advice Column"
277. Hongwei Bao, "Hair in the Basin"
278. Howard Altmann, "Apertures"
279. Ian Glass, "New Trees"
280. Ian Heffernan, "The Journey in"
281. Ilyse Kusnetz, "How to Build a Stradivarius"
282. Imogen Forster, "At the Station"
283. Imogen Forster, "Crocodile in the Underground"
284. Ina Cariño, "Birthstone"
285. Ion Corcos, "Elizabeth Starts Again with a Little Taste of Honey"
286. Isabel Rogers, "Grave robbing"
287. J. Estanislao Lopez, "False Cognates"
288. Jack Underwood, "I’m on the boating lake with Sean"
289. Jack Underwood, "Instead of Bad News about a Person I Love"
290. Jack Underwood, "Totem Pole"
291. Jackie Sabbagh, "Female CEO"
292. Jackie Wills, "Dressmaker at the market"
293. Jaclyn Dwyer, "Some People Get Only One Heart"
294. Jacob Shores-Argüello, "Pilgrims"
295. Jacob Shores-Argüello, "Reception"
296. Jacob Stratman, "A poem for my sons when they’ve been disciplined"
297. Jacqueline Allen Trimble, "The Language of Joy"
298. Jacqueline Jones LaMon, "Socratic"
299. Jake Adam York, "In Little Rock"
300. Jamaal May, "Respiration"
301. James Brown, "Waiheke"
302. James Lineberger, "The Cry of the Wild Rhino"
303. Jan Beatty, "Asylum"
304. Jan Beatty, "Stricken"
305. Jan Hutchison, "Five Ways of Parting"
306. Jane Frank, "Counting Sheep"
307. Jane Hirshfield, "I am asked a question."
308. Jane Hirshfield, "I Was Not, Among My Kind, Distinctive"
309. Jane Hirshfield, "Mountainal"
310. Jane Hirshfield, "Souvenir"
311. Jane Hirshfield, "Two Kerosene Lanterns"
312. Jane Hirshfield, "Wood. Salt. Tin"
313. Jane Mead, "The Outstretched Earth"
314. Jane Yeh, "A Short History of Silence"
315. Janet McAdams, "Tiger on the Shoulder"
316. Jaswinder Bolina, "Ancestral Poem"
317. Javier Zamora, "Second Attempt Crossing"
318. Javier Zamora, "The Pier of La Herradura"
319. Jaya Savige, "Carousel"
320. Jean Atkin, "Finding the hill again"
321. Jeanette Burton, "Mum, I’m worried about your dairy intake"
322. Jeannine Hall Gailey, "American Origins"
323. Jeannine Hall Gailey, "It Was No Longer Summer"
324. Jeannine Hall Gailey, "Spellcaster"
325. Jee Leong Koh, "The Christian"
326. Jee Leong Koh, "The Editor"
327. Jeffrey Hanson, "About Boys Jumping"
328. Jeffrey Hanson, "What Can You Do with a Drunken Sailor?"
329. Jeffrey Winter, "Church Party"
330. Jennifer Lee Novotney, "Prayer Shawl"
331. Jenny Bornholdt, "Flight"
332. Jenny George, "Tin Bucket"
333. Jenny Xie, "Metamorphosis"
334. Jeremy Wikeley, "First the Music and then the Words"
335. Jericho Brown, "Aerial View"
336. Jessica (Tyner) Mehta, "How many crows make a murder?"
337. Jessica Greenbaum, "I Had Just Hung Up from Talking to You"
338. Jessica Greenbaum, "Route 684, Southbound Rest Stop"
339. Jessica Spaeth, "Ode to the Stars"
340. Jill Alexander Essbaum, "She Spent a Year Hallucinating Birds"
341. Jill Sharp, "Bucket Lists"
342. Jim C Wilson, "Patience"
343. Joan Larkin, "Banjo, Dulcimer, Fiddle"
344. Joan Larkin, "Chain of Events"
345. Joan Michelson, "Tom’s Poem"
346. Joan Nayiyuk Kane, "Epithalamia"
347. Joanna Suzanne Lee, "A word, like a key, is a little thing to break"
348. Joanna Suzanne Lee, "Wake"
349. Joanne Diaz, "Psychomachia"
350. Joe Williams, "The Day I Turned Into a Bear"
351. Joel Dias-Porter, "Turning the Tables"
352. John David Muth, "The Man from Chechnya"
353. John Gallaher, "And the Moon on Its Stem Will Steal You Away"
354. John Koethe, "A Private Singularity"
355. John Koethe, "Murray Gell-Mann"
356. John Koethe, "The Divinity Within"
357. John McCullough, "Xanthic"
358. John Murillo, "Upon Reading That Eric Dolphy Transcribed Even the Calls of Certain Species of Birds"
359. John Shoptaw, "For the Birds"
360. John Short, "Chocolate Snowman"
361. Jon Alex Miller, "Aum"
362. Jon Miller, "35mm"
363. Jonathan Humble, "Derek’s Thoughts on Bodies in Motion"
364. Jonathan Humble, "Red Pencil"
365. Jonathan Taylor, "Minor Prophet"
366. Jose Hernandez Diaz, "Pan Dulce"
367. Jose Hernandez Diaz, "Tecolote"
368. Joseph Millar, "Ars Poetica 3"
369. Josephine Balmer, "Shadowtime"
370. Joshua Bennett, "Owed to Pedagogy"
371. Joy Harjo, "Redbird Love"
372. Joy Ladin, "Forgetting"
373. JR Walsh, "Voluntary"
374. Julia Stothard, "Our House"
375. Julian Stannard, "Donut"
376. Justin Karcher, "Consider Yourself Lucky That Someone Loves You the Same Way They Love the World"
377. Justin Karcher, "We Heal in Dreams and Don’t Even Know It"
378. Justin Quinn, "Adelsö"
379. Kareem Tayyar, "Dream Journal"
380. Kareem Tayyar, "Personal History"
381. Karen An-hwei Lee, "On June Blossoming in June"
382. Karen Smith, "Sisters"
383. Kate Farrell, "Master Class"
384. Kate Gaskin, "Domestic Taxonomy"
385. Kate Gaskin, "The Bat"
386. Kate Potts, "Catalogue of Strange Fish"
387. Katherine Fallon, "Marguerite"
388. Katherine Smith, "Miracle"
389. Katherine Stansfield, "Amy, how to write poems"
390. Katherine Stansfield, "Mars Girl"
391. Kathleen Ossip, "Old Strange Book"
392. Kathryn Maris, "How to Be a Dream Girl Not a Doormat about the 'Ex'"
393. Kathy Engel, "Now I Pray"
394. Kathy Fagan, "School"
395. Katie Peterson, "A Citizen"
396. Katy Luxem, "On the Eve of Your Ninth Birthday"
397. Katy Luxem, "To Be Ten"
398. Kayleb Rae Candrilli, "Sestina Written as Though Genesis"
399. Keith Leonard, "Statement of Teaching Philosophy"
400. Kendra DeColo, "I am Thinking About the Movie Con Air"
401. Kenneth Pobo, "At the State Fair"
402. Kenneth Pobo, "Diner"
403. Kevin Graham, "Poem for Oscar with Stars in it"
404. Kevin J.B. O’Connor, "Fall"
405. Kevin J.B. O’Connor, "Troubadours"
406. Kevin Young, "Diptych"
407. Khadjiah Johnson, "The Emmy Goes to the Seagull, Flying off with a Hot Wing… in Front of the Chicken Spot?"
408. Khaled Mattawa, "Migrant Serenade"
409. Khaled Mattawa, "The Boat Merchant’s Wife"
410. Kiandra Jimenez, "Halcyon Kitchen"
411. Kiki Petrosino, "Nursery"
412. Kimiko Hahn, "Not Nothing Again"
413. Kimiko Hahn, "On Pleasing"
414. Kirmen Uribe, "Back from the Cannery"
415. Kit Fan, "Hokkaido"
416. Ko Un, "Asking the Way", translated by Suji Kwock Kim and Sunja Kim Kwock
417. Komal Mathew, "For the Shepherd Who Is Also the Path the Sun Makes in Daytime"
418. Kristen Tracy, "Vampires Today"
419. Krystyna Dąbrowska, "Spirit of the Forest", translated by Karen Kovacik
420. Kunjana Parashar, "Here is to Everything"
421. Kwame Dawes, "Before Winter"
422. Kwame Dawes, "Horns"
423. Kwame Dawes, "Ode to the Clothesline"
424. Kwame Dawes, "Vagrants and Loiterers"
425. Kwame Opoku-Duku, "sonnet for the day of the lord"
426. Kyle Dargan, "Dear Echo"
427. Kyle Dargan, "Olympic Drive"
428. L. I. Henley, "It’s true I seen them kissing (Tess)"
429. Laboni Islam, "Collecting Hail"
430. Langston Hughes, "Song for Billie Holiday"
431. Lani O'Hanlon, "Back Up Quick They’re Hippies
432. Lani O'Hanlon, "This Other Thing"
433. Larry D. Thacker, "Reservations"
434. Laura Kasischke, "Champagne"
435. Laura Kasischke, "Talisman
436. Laura Stott, "The Bear's Claw"
437. Lauren Camp, "The Finest Light"
438. Lauren K. Alleyne, "Gretel As Crone"
439. Lauren K. Alleyne, "Gretel’s Confession"
440. Lawrence Joseph, "On Utopia Parkway"
441. Leah Umansky, "Khaleesi Says"
442. Lehua M. Taitano, "One Kind of Hunger"
443. Leia K. Bradley, "My Gender Is a Red Stiletto or Grocery Store Feet"
444. Lilace Mellin Guignard, "Lullaby in Fracktown"
445. Lis Sanchez, "Manuel Sánchez. Our Demand"
446. Lisa Jarnot, "The Most Perfect Hill"
447. Livvy Hanks, "Time and again"
448. Liz Berry, "Oh Sweethearts"
449. Lucy Tunstall, "Kaftan"
450. Lucy Tunstall, "The Patient"
451. Lucy Wainger, "Jiro Dreams of Sushi"
452. Luisa Muradyan, "Woman Posting in Parenting Forum"
453. Luke Davies, "Antiphons of the Known World"
454. Luke Davies, "Heisenberg Saying Goodbye to Mum at Lilyfield"
455. Lupe Mendez, "Rules at the Juan Marcos Huelga School (Even the Unspoken Ones)"
456. Lupita Eyde-Tucker, "Mis Gacelas"
457. Lynn Melnick, "Twelve"
458. M. Bartley Seigel, "In the Bone-Cracking Cold"
459. M. J. Iuppa, "Report If There Is Something Wrong"
460. Maddie Marriott, "Golden Gate"
461. Mai Der Vang, "After All Have Gone"
462. Mairead Small Staid, "In Defense of a Long Engagement"
463. Major Jackson, "Aubade"
464. Major Jackson, "Letter to Brooks: Spring Garden"
465. Major Jackson, "Superfluities"
466. Major Jackson, "Urban Renewal XVIII"
467. Makenzie Smith, "Baker"
468. Makenzie Smith, "Good Girl’s Guide to Exercising Inner (and Outer) Demons"
469. Marc Frazier, "Cape Cod Evening"
470. Marcus Wicker, "Conjecture on the Stained Glass Image of White Christ at Ebenezer Baptist Church"
471. Margaret Danner, "The Convert"
472. Maria Hummel, "Recess"
473. Maria Hummel, "Toy Room"
474. Maria Taylor, "My Mother’s Notebook for English Lessons"
475. Marilyn Nelson, "The Boley Rodeo"
476. Marilyn Schotland, "At my great-grandfather’s hundredth birthday party"
477. Marilyn Schotland, "My Grandfather was a Neurosurgeon Who Operated on Che Guevara"
478. Marilyn Schottland, "Rain (4:33)"
479. Mario Meléndez, "Future Memories", translated by Eloisa Amezcua
480. Marion McCready, "Her Hair is a Landscape of its Own"
481. Marion McCready, "I Fall in Love with a Tree Everywhere I Go"
482. Marion McCready, "March Snow"
483. Marion McCready, "The Complicated Sex Life of Primula ..."
484. Marion McCready, "The Orange Trees of Altea"
485. Marisa P. Clark, "Lisa Being Born"
486. Mark Granier, "Feathers"
487. Mark Valentine, "The Road to Chalvington at Dusk"
488. Mark Waldron, "I wish I loved lawnmowers"
489. Mark Waldron, "Poor light"
490. Mark Waldron, "The Stick"
491. Martin Bennett, "Ella In Lockdown, Rome, 2021"
492. Martín Espada, "Letter to My Father"
493. Martín Espada, "Love is a Luminous Insect at the Window"
494. Martín Espada, "The Monster in the Lake"
495. Mary Franklin, "Lost and Found"
496. Mary Franklin, "The woman in number four"
497. Mary Jo Salter, "Advent"
498. Mary Morris, "Yellowtail"
499. Mary Noonan, "Virgin of the Rocks"
500. Mary Ruefle, "Genesis"
501. Mary Ruefle, "Singular Dream"
502. Mary Ruefle, "Super Bowl"
503. Matthew David Manning, "Folding"
504. Matthew James Friday, "Elegy for the Caught Fish"
505. Matthew Olzmann, "Blake Griffin Dunks Over A Car"
506. Matthew Olzmann, "Letter to the Person Who, During the Q&A Session After the Reading, Asked for Career Advice"
507. Matthew Olzmann, "Letter Written While Waiting in Line at Comic Con"
508. Matthew Olzmann, "My Invisible Horse and the Speed of Human Decency"
509. Matthew Olzmann, "Your Moon-Eating Dog Is About to Kill My Favorite Elf Warrior"
510. Matthew Paul, "Reversing the Charges"
511. Matthew Stewart, "Fútbol Sala"
512. Matthew Sweeney, "Dialogue with an Artist"
513. Matthew Sweeney, "Five Yellow Roses"
514. Matthew Sweeney, "Huge Mirrors"
515. Matthew Sweeney, "Les Saltimbanques"
516. Matthew Sweeney, "Pommes Sautées"
517. Matthew Sweeney, "The Bottle Gatherer"
518. Meagan Chandler, "The Horse Trail"
519. Meg Boyles, "Verona"
520. Meg Day, "Portrait of My Gender as [Inaudible]"
521. Megan Denton, "A Girl and Her Fireplace"
522. Melissa Fite Johnson, "After the Beep"
523. Melissa Fite Johnson, "Snapshot"
524. Melissa Range, "Ofermod"
525. Mia Ayumi Malhotra, "Letter to My Daughter"
526. Michael Bartholomew-Biggs, "Workshop exercise"
527. Michael Durack, "Keepers"
528. Michael Hettich, "The House"
529. Michael Julian Arnett, "Guarded Sails"
530. Michael Kleber-Diggs, "Structural Fatigue"
531. Michael Mark, "All Today I Lived"
532. Michael Robbins, "Know It All"
533. Michael Symmons Roberts, "Nativity Scene in Bullet-Time"
534. Michelle Mitchell-Foust, "Camera Eulogia"
535. Mike Gallagher, "The English Papers"
536. Mike James, "Letter to Joe Arcangelini, On Another Coast"
537. Miller Oberman, "Joy"
538. Momtaza Mehri, "Glory Be to the Gang Gang Gang"
539. Monica Rico, "Elegy for My Quinceañera"
540. Monica Sok, "ABC for Refugees"
541. Morri Creech, "Allegory"
542. Moya Pacey, "Birders"
543. Muna Abdulahi, "ESL"
544. Murray Edmond, "What to Do If You Find a Dead Hobbit in Your Garden"
545. Nadra Mabrouk, "Brother as Younger Self, Humming"
546. Nancy Campbell, "Pkhali"
547. Nancy Mattson, "Epistemology for Quizmasters"
548. Naomi Shihab Nye, "Burning the Old Year"
549. Natalie Rose Richardson, "Cure and Curry"
550. Natalie Scott, "A Boy with Parrot-blue Hair"
551. Natalie Shapero, "An Example"
552. Natalie Shapero, "Sunshower"
553. Natalie Shaw, "Eleven Days"
554. Nate Marshall, "Oregon Trail"
555. Niall Campbell, "The Apiary at Night"
556. Niall Campbell, "The Rainmaker"
557. Nick Browne, "The Road to Ethiopia"
558. Nicole Byrne, "Just Before 2AM"
559. Nikki Giovanni, "Bay Leaves"
560. Nikki Giovanni, "Her Dreams #2 (Runner-Up)"
561. Nikki Giovanni, "Her Dreams"
562. Nikki Wallschlaeger, "Rogue Corn"
563. Noah Stetzer, "Stranger Jelly"
564. Nome Emeka Patrick, "Smile"
565. Nour Al Ghraowi, "Truth is I would like to escape myself"
566. Nyah Hardmon, "Cocoon"
567. Olga Dermott-Bond, "Still No Room At The Inn"
568. Oliver Comins, "Fish Pie"
569. Oliver de la Paz, "Autism Screening Questionnaire — Speech and Language Delay"
570. Oliver de la Paz, "You Must Lift Your Son’s Languid Body"
571. Padraig Rooney, "Making is finding, troubadours know"
572. Paisley Rekdal, "Driving to Santa Fe"
573. Pamela Job, "Dear Ocean"
574. Partridge Boswell, "Upon Hearing Amy Winehouse at St. James’ Church in Dingle"
575. Pat Edwards, "Watching the woodpecker at 5.30 am"
576. Patricia Lockwood, "Government Spending"
577. Patricia Lockwood, "Jewel Thief Movie"
578. Patricia Smith, "A Street in Lawndale"
579. Patricia Zylius, "Mind’s Eye"
580. Patrick Cotter, "Time Traveler"
581. Patrick Deeley, "From the Benedictine Abbey at Schaffhausen"
582. Patrick Deeley, "The Speed of the Earth"
583. Patrick Dundon, "Gratitude"
584. Paul Stephenson, "Banisters"
585. Paul Stephenson, "Double French"
586. Paul Stephenson, "The Barbecue (Royal Wedding, 1981)"
587. Paul Stephenson, "The Conversation"
588. Paula Cunningham, "At St. Malachy’s Church"
589. Penelope Shuttle, "Orchard End, or The Laboratory of Continuous Effort"
590. Peter Daniels, "Answers"
591. Peter J Donnelly, "Next Time I Go To Dunster"
592. Peter Mason, "Crush 1999"
593. Peter Munro, "The Wind’s Measure"
594. Peter Richards, "Breakfast Club Wall"
595. Phil Wood, "Tides"
596. Philip Levine, "The Second Going"
597. Phillip B. Williams, "Vision in Which the Final Blackbird Disappears"
598. Phillis Levin, "Cloud Fishing"
599. Phyllis McGinley, "Portrait of Girl with Comic Book"
600. Pierluigi Cappello, "Staying", translated by Todd Portnowitz
601. Pippa Little, "The summer I lived as a wolf"
602. Quraysh Ali Lansana, "1972 ford ltd"
603. Rachael Boast, "Disfigurations"
604. Rachel Beachy, "What I Want to Tell My Daughter as I Watch Her Falling"
605. Rachel Galvin, "After the War"
606. Rachel Hadas, "A Poultice"
607. Rachel Hadas, "Love and Dread"
608. Rachel Hadas, "Triolets in the Argolid"
609. Rachel Plummer, "The Iron Children"
610. Rae Armantrout, "Asymmetries"
611. Rae Armantrout, "Background Information"
612. Rae Armantrout, "Elsewhere"
613. Rae Armantrout, "Gist"
614. Rae Armantrout, "How to Disappear"
615. Rae Armantrout, "Natural Histories"
616. Rae Armantrout, "Object Lesson"
617. Rae Armantrout, "Pinocchio"
618. Rae Armantrout, "Project"
619. Rae Armantrout, "The Corner"
620. Rae Armantrout, "Twilight"
621. Randall Mann, "Almost"
622. Raymond Antrobus, "Echo"
623. Raymond Antrobus, "Scratched Light"
624. Rebecca Guess Cantor, "12 Trees"
625. Rebecca Hazelton, "Sexy Is the Least Interesting"
626. Rebecca Hazelton, "The Good in the Evil World"
627. Rebecca Lehmann, "Come Down Spring"
628. Regie Cabico, "Daylight Saving Time Flies Like an Instagram of a Weasel Riding a Woodpecker & You Feel Everything Will Be Alright"
629. Richard Cole, "Deepwater Horizon"
630. Richard Wilbur, "Advice to a Prophet"
631. Richie McCaffery, "Clutter"
632. Richie McCaffery, "Dead Letter"
633. Richie McCaffery, "Recalibration"
634. Rick Barot, "Goodwill"
635. Rick Barot, "Ode with Interruptions"
636. Rick Barot, "The Boy with a Flower Behind His Ear"
637. Rick Barot, "The Flea"
638. Ricky Garni, "My First Wife"
639. Rita Dove, "From the Sidelines"
640. Rita Dove, "Voiceover"
641. Riya Mokashi, "Bones"
642. Robert Adamson, "Australasian Darters"
643. Robert Adamson, "Winter, Hospital Bed"
644. Robert Darken, "Billions and Billions Served"
645. Robert Etty, "The Bones"
646. Robert Fanning, "Philadelphia Rooftop"
647. Robert Hasselblad, "The King of Montana"
648. Robert Pinsky, "Samurai Song"
649. Robert Sullivan, "Hello Great North Road"
650. Robert Sullivan, "Maui’s Mission"
651. Robert Wrigley, "Chorus"
652. Robert Wrigley, "Might Have Been July, Might Have Been December"
653. Robin Rosen Chang, "From the Rocking Chair on the Front Porch of an Airbnb in Belgrade, Montana"
654. Rod Whitworth, "Technology"
655. Rodd Whelpley, "First thing each morning"
656. Rodney Wood, "Alive"
657. Rodney Wood, "Vermillion"
658. Ron Gibson, Jr., "Washelli"
659. Ross Wilson, "Au'um"
660. Ross Wilson, "Echo"
661. Roy Marshall, "Bonjour Tristesse"
662. Roy Marshall, "This is the Day"
663. Roy McFarlane, "Papers"
664. Ruth Sharman, "Tellisford Weir"
665. Ruth Stacey, "No Flags, Territory and War"
666. Ruth Wiggins, "Making Water"
667. Ryan Stone, "Coal Town"
668. Saeed Jones, "Alive at the End of the World"
669. Safiya Sinclair, "Center of the World"
670. Salima Rivera, "The Voices at My Ear"
671. Sam Payne, "My Botanist, aged three"
672. Sandra Simonds, “There was this bear cam”
673. Sandra Simonds, “When you think about it, mostly, a cage is air—”
674. Sappho, "Charaxos and Larichos", translated by William Logan
675. Sara Moore Wagner, "Not Abraham"
676. Sarah A. Etlinger, "The Weather Gods"
677. Sarah B. Puschmann, "A Golden Past As Seen Through The Hole Of A Donut"
678. Sarah Browning, "When the sun returns"
679. Sarah Gzemski, "Sermon"
680. Sarah L. Dixon, "To Kill a Mocking Bird"
681. Sarah Wimbush, "Between Mary Berry’s Baking Bible and My Class Enjoys Cooking"
682. Scott Thomas Outlar, "Extinction Is the Genesis of Evolution"
683. Seamus Heaney, "Postscript"
684. Seán Hewitt, "Kyrie"
685. Sebastián Hasani Páramo, "Still-Life with Salt on Fruit"
686. Sergio Lima, "God of War"
687. Seth Hagen, "One of Us"
688. Shamala Gallagher, "How They Speak of the Fields"
689. Sharon Black, "Oh, someday, girl, I don’t know when"
690. Sharon Olds, "The Relics"
691. Sharon Phillips, "Near Miss"
692. Sheila Black, "Forest, Burning"
693. Sheila Jacob, "The Preoccupations Of Women"
694. Sian Meades-Williams, "Yesterday's confetti"
695. Simon Armitage, "Camera Obscura"
696. Simon Costello, "TV"
697. Sina Queyras, "The Couriers"
698. Sonya Plenefisch, "Little Blind Thing"
699. Sonya Plenefisch, "The Disappeared"
700. Spencer Short, "The Gentle Art of Shabby Dressing"
701. Stanley Moss, "Beachcomber"
702. Stanley Moss, "New Born"
703. Stephanie Burt, "Disco Fantasia on Themes from Elizabeth Bishop"
704. Stephen Claughton, "The Old Sticks"
705. Stephen Connolly, "And then the sun"
706. Stephen Daniels, "Wordslast"
707. Stephen Derwent Partington, "Satao"
708. Stephen Dunn, "Propositions"
709. Steven Chung, "Second-hand Smoke"
710. Stuart Handysides, "Winter"
711. Stuart Henson, "Three Octonaires on the Vanity & Inconstancy of This World"
712. Stuart Pickford, "Jigsaw"
713. Stuart Pickford, "Rings"
714. Sudeep Sen, "Banyan"
715. Sue Finch, "Clambake"
716. Sue Kindon, "Wandering in The Pyrenees, April 2016"
717. Sunni Brown Wilkinson, "At Last the Light in the Trees Wavers"
718. Susan Browne, "Romance"
719. Susan Castillo Street, "Arpeggio"
720. Susan Fealy, "Lake Mungo"
721. Susanna Brougham, "Peaks Island Ghosts"
722. Susannah Hart, "Becoming"
723. Suzannah Evans, "De-Extinction"
724. Suzanne Frischkorn, "Dear America"
725. Tamara Madison, "The Muse Commands"
726. Tamsin Cottis, "Shifts"
727. Tarfia Faizullah, "That One Time I Stayed Up All Night Making Excuses to Talk to Danger"
728. Taylor Hamann Los, "Linea Nigra"
729. Tennessee Hill, "Driving Home from Keyworth’s"
730. Teresa Mei Chuc, "Names"
731. Terrance Hayes, "Antebellum House Party"
732. Terrance Hayes, "Capra Aegagrus Hircus"
733. Terrance Hayes, "Cocktails with Orpheus"
734. Terrance Hayes, "How to Draw a Perfect Circle"
735. Terrance Hayes, "The Golden Shovel"
736. Terrance Hayes, "What It Look Like"
737. Terrance Hayes, "Woofer (When I Consider the African-American)"
738. Tess Gallagher, "Stolen Dress"
739. Therese Lloyd, "Y2K"
740. Thomas Tyrrell, "Breaking Up With The Bookshelves"
741. Tianru Wang, "After 'Yellow Crane Tower'"
742. Tianru Wang, "Sound Play"
743. Tim Dwyer, "Grey Herons"
744. Tim Love, "Dark Matter"
745. Tim Seibles, "Magnifying Glass"
746. Tim Seibles, "Simple Song Blues Villanelle"
747. Timothy DeLizza, "Claw Machine"
748. Timothy Donnelly, "Hymn to Edmond Albius"
749. Timothy Donnelly, "Public Speaking"
750. Tishani Doshi, "Monsoon Poem"
751. Todd Mercer, "Jesus Salesman"
752. Todd Mercer, "Mother’s Day Card Before the Apology Card"
753. Todd Mercer, "N.J.’s Secret is Out"
754. Todd Mercer, "Windy City Mascot"
755. Tom Kelly, "Running Down the Past"
756. Tom Phillips, "Unfair assumptions about pigeons"
757. Tom Postell, "Gertrude Stein Rides the Torn Down El"
758. Tomas Tranströmer, "Breathing Space, July", translated by Patty Crane
759. Tomaž Šalamun, "Three Flies", translated by Brian Henry
760. Tony Gloeggler, "1969"
761. Tony Williams, "Helgafell"
762. Tracie Renee Amirante Padal, "Learning To Float"
763. Tracy K. Smith, "Alternate Take: Levon Helm"
764. Travis Truax, "Tallahassee"
765. Truth Thomas, "Urban Warming"
766. Tyehimba Jess, "Sissieretta Jones"
767. Vicki Morley, "Weather Gods"
768. Victoria Kennefick, "Paris Syndrome"
769. Victoria Kennefick, "The Preacher’s Daughter"
770. Victoria Melekian, "New Year’s Eve"
771. Vidyan Ravinthiran, "As a child"
772. Virginia Keane, "Fish and Friend"
773. Vona Groarke, "On Seeing Charlotte Brontë’s Underwear with my Daughter in Haworth"
774. W.S. Graham, "An Entertainment for W.S. Graham for Him Having Reached Sixty-Five"
775. Wayne Miller, "The End of Childhood"
776. William Doreski, "Dark Passage"
777. William Doreski, "Mushrooms and Orchids"
778. William Doreski, "One Night in Moscow"
779. William Doreski, "There Goes All the Ecology"
780. William J. Harris, "My Friend, Wendell Berry"
781. William Matthews, "Mingus at the Showplace"
782. Willie Perdomo, "That’s My Heart Right There"
783. Yalie Kamara, "Besaydoo"
784. Yuri Kazarnovsky, "The Tram", translated by Boris Dralyuk
785. Yusef Komunyakaa, "A World of Daughters"
786. Yusef Komunyakaa, "Blackamoors, Villa La Pietra"
787. Yusef Komunyakaa, "Crossing a City Highway"
788. Yusef Komunyakaa, "Dead Reckoning III"
789. Yusef Komunyakaa, "Our Side of the Creek"
790. Yusef Komunyakaa, "Slingshot"
791. Yusef Komunyakaa, "Sperm Oil"
792. Yusef Komunyakaa, "The Rented Boy"
793. Zack Strait, "Blaze"
794. Zeina Hashem Beck, "Maqam"
795. Zeina Hashem Beck, "Souk"
796. Zilka Joseph, "The Rice Fields"
797. Zoe Mitchell, "Séance"
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