ellectrique press is proud to invite you to a vernissage with poetry reading and apéro. The poet anne blonstein will read from
correspondence with nobody
Date Thursday, 8 January 2009
Time starting 18:30, reading begins at 19:00
Place Quartierzentrum Bachletten, Bachlettenstrasse 12, 4054 Basel

“Blonstein’s text is thus produced by a double process like the one that transcribes DNA into RNA and translates RNA into protein – the stuff of life. This double process can be seen as analogous to the Kabbalistic transformation of thought into word, and the Christian doctrine of Word become Flesh. correspondence with nobody begins with the expression «words and silences». If we track this back to Celan, we find that the first word of his Einundzwanzig Sonette is «Was», German for «What». . . . Interpreted not word-for-word, but word-for-letter, W-A-S gives «words and silences». This, then, is the end product of Blonstein’s formula; it is also an apt beginning for her latest sequence.” Diana Collecott
There will be a book table at the vernissage (CHF 38). As of 9 January 2009 correspondence with nobody can be purchased via www.ellectriquepress.com.
(*Cover image Grace (1952) by Sonja Sekula, courtesy of kaba roessler / margrit schmid)