Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Re-reading four novels by Virginia Woolf for a student’s Master’s exam this fall

In 2019 and 2020, I went through Virginia Woolf's nine novels from "The Voyage Out" (1915) to "Between the Acts" (1941), as well as her unusual 1933 book "Flush", a biography of Elizabeth Barrett Browning from the perspective of her dog Flush. Many years before that project, when I was still at university, I had read "Jacob's Room" (1922), "Mrs. Dalloway" (1925), "To the Lighthouse" (1927), "Orlando" (1928), and "The Waves" (1931). Now a student will be doing her Master's exam with me, and one of her topics is London in four Woolf novels, so I'll get to reread "Night and Day" (1919), "Jacob's Room", "Mrs. Dalloway", and "The Years" (1937). (Andrew Shields, #111Words, 24 September 2024) 

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