Wednesday, September 04, 2024

My favorite pop concerts, my favorite Grateful Dead concert, my favorite recent jazz concert, and the best band I’ve ever seen

The best pop concerts I've ever attended are Talking Heads in San Francisco in 1983, Leonard Cohen in Zurich in 2008, and Taylor Swift in Zurich in 2024. But for me, that category excludes all Grateful Dead concerts and jazz concerts. My favorite Dead show was 22 July 1984 in Ventura, California. The most recent exceptional jazz concert I've seen was Jason Moran on solo piano in Basel this past April. But for the quality of the musicians and the range of the material, the best ever was John Zorn's Naked City in New York and Philadelphia in 1988 and 1990 (with Wayne Horvitz, Bill Frisell, Fred Frith, and Joey Baron). (Andrew Shields, #111Words, 4 September 2024) 

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