Saturday, February 18, 2023

“The deadly nature of her wrath”: Madame Defarge in Charles Dickens’s “A Tale of Two Cities” (1859)

In Charles Dickens's "A Tale of Two Cities" (1859), Madame Defarge drives the excesses of the Terror with "the deadly nature of her wrath". She wants vengeance against the Evremonde family and its last survivor, Charles Darnay, for her family's deaths: “[...] that peasant family so injured by the two Evremonde brothers [...] is my family. [...] that sister of the mortally wounded boy upon the ground was my sister, that husband was my sister's husband, that unborn child was their child, that brother was my brother, that father was my father, those dead are my dead [...].” I would love a feminist revenge version of the novel from her perspective. (Andrew Shields, #111words, 18 February 2023) 

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