Saturday, June 15, 2024

"Luckily we can predict what our machine guns will do”: A line from Katy Evans-Bush’s “Joe Hill Makes His Way into the Castle” and its echo in a SCOTUS decision

"Luckily we can predict what our machine guns will do," writes Katy Evans-Bush in "From lines by Kenneth Patchen #14" in her book "Joe Hill Makes His Way into the Castle" (CB Editions, 2024). These poems make songs of what this decade offers us ("what it takes to make songs with" in #9), but that machine-gun line makes a song of something that happened yesterday, long after the poem was written: the United States Supreme Court ruled that "bump stocks", which allow semi-automatic weapons to fire nearly as fast as machine guns, cannot be regulated in the United States. Unluckily, we can almost always predict what SCOTUS will do these days. (Andrew Shields, #111Words, 15 June 2024)

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