Monday, April 25, 2022

Remembering a few scenes from Jim Jarmusch movies

As Luisa is studying Jim Jarmusch movies for film class in school, we went over "Mystery Train" (1989), "Night on Earth" (1991), and "Broken Flowers" (2005). I enjoyed remembering the great comic scenes in the first two, such as Screaming Jay Hawkins and Cinqué Lee as hotel clerk and bellhop in "Mystery Train", or Armin Mueller-Stahl, Giancarlo Esposito, and Rosie Perez in a taxi from Manhattan to Brooklyn in "Night on Earth". But what I remember most from "Broken Flowers" is not comic: Tilda Swinton's rage when her long-lost ex Bill Murray shows up unannounced and without explanation. Her performance in just one scene steals the movie in a couple minutes. (Andrew Shields, #111words, 25 April 2022)

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