Sunday, October 20, 2024

A marginal note I wrote in my e-book of Virginia Woolf’s “Night and Day” (1919)

Back in 2019-2020, I read e-books of all of Virginia Woolf's novels in chronological order. I highlighted occasional passages, but generally did not write notes. Now, re-reading four of Woolf's novels for a student's MA exam, I've begun with the earliest, "Night and Day" (1919), and the other day, I came across a note I had written when suffragette organizer Sally Seal mentions her frustration with how long the movement has been taking: "I'm fifty-five, and I dare say I shall be in my grave by the time we get it—if we ever do." My note was not about the suffrage but about that age: "Read on my 55th birthday." (Andrew Shields, #111Words, 20 October 2024)

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