Saturday, August 31, 2024

Witchcraft in Thomas Hardy’s “The Return of the Native” (1878)

In Thomas Hardy's "The Return of the Native" (1878), Eustacia Vye is attacked by her neighbor when she visits church: "Susan Nunsuch had pricked Miss Vye with a long stocking-needle [...]." Suspecting Eustacia of witchcraft, Susan responds with her own counterspell. Later, wandering the heath near Susan's house, Eustacia is visible "as distanct as a figure in a phantasmagoria", and Susan proceeds to make a beeswax effigy of her enemy, stick it full of needles, and hold it over her fire to melt and burn. In a storm later that night, Eustacia falls into a roaring stream and drowns, but nobody but Hardy's readers knows about Susan's burning of the effigy. (Andrew Shields, #111Words, 31 August 2024)

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