Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Jan Lundgren and Hans Beckenroth’s duo arrangement of “She’s Leaving Home”, by The Beatles

At their duo concert at the Stadtcasino in Basel last night (which was before the solo piano set by Fred Hersch that I wrote about yesterday), pianist Jan Lundgren and bassist Hans Backenroth played a gorgeous version of "She's Leaving Home", by The Beatles (from "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band", 1967). The original has Paul McCartney singing the first verse and McCartney and John Lennon singing the chorus in a beautiful multi-tracked arrangement. In Lundgren and Backenroth's arrangement, Backenroth played the verse melody on bass, and Lundgren took over on piano for the chorus melody. This arrangement appears on the duo's 2022 album, "The Gallery Concerts II: Jazz Poetry" (ACT). (Andrew Shields, #111Words, 22 May 2024) 

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