Thursday, May 30, 2024

André Holland in Rebecca Hall’s “Passing” (2021) and other films I’ve seen him in

When I first watched Rebecca Hall's 2021 adaptation of Nella Larsen's 1929 novel "Passing", I focused on Tessa Thompson's performance as Irene Redfield, as well as on the visual storytelling by cinematographer Eduard Grau. On a second viewing, I've noticed André Holland's performance as Brian Redfield. But then other performances I've seen by Holland have also been excellent, including his roles as Kevin in Barry Jenkins's 2016 "Moonlight" and as Andrew Young in Ava DuVernay's 2014 "Selma". He's also in DuVernay's "August 28th: A Day in the Life of a People", which links poems and historical events that took place in the United States on that day from 1833 to 2008. (Andrew Shields, #111Words, 30 May 2024) 

André Holland and Tessa Thompson in “Passing"

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