Saturday, April 17, 2021

Lexical doublings in the beginning and ending of the first paragraph of "Cien años de soledad"

The first sentence of Gabriel García Márquez's "Cien años de soledad" ends with Colonel Aureliano Buendía remembering how his father Jose Arcadio Buendía "lo llevó a conocer el hielo". "Llevar" reappears in the final sentence of the novel's two-page-long first paragraph when Jose Arcadio Buendía digs up a suit of armor with a skeleton in it that "llevaba colgado en el cuello un relicario de cobre con un rizo de mujer." Such lexical doubling also appears in the paragraph's second and penultimate sentences with the figures of "piedras pulidas, blancas y enormes como huevos prehistóricos" and that armor whose "interior tenía la resonancia hueca de un enorme calabazo lleno de piedras." (Andrew Shields, #111words, 17 April 2021)

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