Tuesday, March 29, 2022

The erasure of the novel at the end of Toni Morrison's "Beloved": "This is not a story to pass on"

Elizabeth Bennet's erasure of the plot at the end of Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" (1813), which I wrote about yesterday, crossed my mind recently in the context of the end of Toni Morrison's "Beloved" (1987). The novel's final, two-page section begins with two paragraphs separated by white space and then a single sentence by itself: "It was not a story to pass on." Then a single paragraph is followed by a variation: "It is not a story to pass on." After another single paragraph that line is repeated again; two paragraphs without white space are then followed by the the single word "Beloved" which ends the novel of that name. (Andrew Shields, #111words, 29 March 2022)

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