Saturday, July 20, 2024

Deciding to read Emily Dickinson’s letters, then stumbling on a new edition a few hours later

When I took the train into Boston yesterday, I alternated between reading R. W. Franklin's "Reading Edition" of "The Poems of Emily Dickinson" (1999) and Alfred Habegger's "My Wars Are Laid Away In Books: The Life of Emily Dickinson" (2001). In the latter, I read about letters Dickinson wrote in 1850, the year she turned twenty, and I decided that I wanted to finally read an edition of her letters. In the evening at the Booksmith bookstore in Brookline, I was browsing the "new non-fiction" section, and there was a brand-new 2024 edition of "The Letters of Emily Dickinson", edited by Cristanne Millear and Domhnall Mitchell. I bought it, of course. (Andrew Shields, #111Words, 19 July 2024)

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