Saturday, November 05, 2022

Homeopathy in "Cien Años de Soledad"

I first read "One Hundred Years of Solitude", by Gabriel García Márquez, in 1985, in Gregory Rabassa's translation, and again in 1988. Today, slowly reading the novel in the original, I came across a passage that wouldn't have struck me as much back then – the introduction of the revolutionary and homeopath Alirio Noguera: "En el estrecho cuartito atiborrado de frascos vacíos que alquiló a un lado de la plaza, vivió varios años de los enfermos sin esperanzas que después de haber probado todo se consolaban con glóbulos de azúcar." I only learned about homeopathy after moving to Germany in 1991 – where Noguera had his faked University of Leipzig medical degree from. (Andrew Shields, #111words, 5 November 2022)

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