Monday, April 13, 2009

The Fifth Daily Poem Project, Week Eight Call for Votes


Here are the poems to vote for in the eighth week of the fifth Daily Poem Project (the poems on Poetry Daily from Monday, April 6, to Sunday, April 12):

April 12: Jody Gladding, Softwoods
April 11: Robert Polito, Shooting Star
April 10: Caroline Knox, Flemish
April 9: John Updike, Evening Concert, Sainte-Chapelle
April 8: Carl Phillips, The Moonflowers
April 7: Hester Knibbe, Lava and Sand (tr. Jacquelyn Pope)
April 6: Charles Wright, In Praise of What Is Missing (vote only on the first poem)

HOW TO VOTE: You can send your vote to me by email or as a comment on the blog. If you want to vote by commenting but do not want your vote to appear on the blog, you just have to say so in your comment (I moderate all comments on my blog). I will post comments as they come in.

Please make a final decision and vote for only one poem (although it is always interesting to see people's lists).

Please VOTE BY FRIDAY, APRIL 17! But I will still accept votes as long as I have not posted the final results. (April 19 at the latest.)

The winner of week one was Sherod Santos, Film Noir.
The winner of week two was Edward Field, Cataract op.
The winner of week three was David Bottoms, A Chat with My Father.
The winner of week four was David Schloss, The Myth.
The co-winners of week five were Jason Gray, Letter to the Unconverted, and David Huerta, Before Saying Any of the Great Words (tr. Mark Schafer).
The winner of week six was Stacey Lynn Brown, Cradle Song II.
The winner of week seven was Jack Gilbert, Not Easily.


Anonymous said...

Knibbe - wow!

Katy Loebrich said...

Tough week!

In the end, I choose Knibbe - Lava & Sand, because it reminds me of Virginia Woolf.

But I must give an honorable mention to Knox - Flemish for how fun it is, too.

Nic Sebastian said...

"Softwood" wins hands down for me. Big-picture thinking nicely illustrated through imagery and form. Also really liked S2 of Lava and Sand (fantastic feeling of bleakness and bitterness, great sonics on an amazing landscape) and the latter part of the Updike, but not enough in either case to win.

Suz said...

Not being totally ga-ga about any of these poems, but, however, pleasantly inclined to several, I think I will vote for Jody Gladding,s "Softwood." Its line breaks give me new things to see on every reading, its langauge is very precise and its ending sends me back to the poem and thinking. I did, however, also like Wright's poem "In Praise of What was Missing."

RC said...


Colin Will said...

Carl Phillips: Moonflowers

Marion McCready said...

Hester Knibbe - 'Lava and Sand'.

Matthew said...

Charles Wright

Scott Keeney said...

In Praise of What Is Missing.

Anonymous said...

Even though I want to have Carl Phillip's poetry babies, I have to check the box next to Knibbe's "Lava and Sand" this week.

Donald Brown said...

For me, it's a toss-up between Wright and Phillips, and I think I'm going to go with the latter because it's less clear to me what it's doing, so: "Moonflowers."

swiss said...

well some of these seemed to promise more than they delivered for me. flemish made me smile but i think i'll go for polito

gabrielle said...

John Updike. I like the first 4 lines

Anonymous said...

Me: Carl Phillips for $100. Alex.

Sound Effect: "Whoot!"

You,(as A. Trebeck): "The Daily Double!"

Gabe said...

I go with Updike, though I'm not sure I would've if I didn't have a vivid memory of the place.

Andrew Shields said...

Although I have not posted the results yet, I am closing voting for week 8 as of now (Sunday, April 19, 11 a.m. in Basel).

See the next post to understand why I am not yet posting the results.

Andrew Shields said...

I was pleasantly surprised by Charles Wright's poem here. I usually don't like his work, but the economy of this poem pleases me.