Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Fifth Daily Poem Project, Week Five


Here are the poems to vote for in the fifth week of the fifth Daily Poem Project (the poems on Poetry Daily from Monday, March 16, to Sunday, March 22):

March 22: Jason Gray, Letter to the Unconverted
March 21: Paul Otremba, Haute Cuisine
March 20: Peter Porter, The Little Fish Have Gone
March 19: David Huerta, Before Saying Any of the Great Words (tr. Mark Schafer)
March 18: H. L. Hix, [If the Lena River courses north...]
March 17: Robert VanderMolen, Sand
March 16: Deborah Warren, Dream with Flowers and Bowl of Fruit

HOW TO VOTE: You can send your vote to me by email or as a comment on the blog. If you want to vote by commenting but do not want your vote to appear on the blog, you just have to say so in your comment (I moderate all comments on my blog). I will post comments as they come in.

Please make a final decision and vote for only one poem (although it is always interesting to see people's lists).

Please VOTE BY FRIDAY, MARCH 27! But I will still accept votes as long as I have not posted the final results. (March 29 at the latest.)

The winner of week one was Sherod Santos, Film Noir.
The winner of week two was Edward Field, Cataract op.
The winner of week three was David Bottoms, A Chat with My Father.
The winner of week four was David Schloss, The Myth.


Dave King said...

Letter to the Unconverted gets my vote. great project, good choice of poems: not too well-known.

Suz said...

I'll put my vote for Jason Gray this week: "Letter to the Unconverted," although Peter Parker "The Little Fish Have Gone" is a very close second.

Anonymous said...

my vote goes to H. L. Hix, [If the Lena River courses north...] , this is also the poem I have chosen for our poem discussion!


Justin Evans said...

Peter Porter's "The Little Fish Have Gone"

Anonymous said...

Bob VanderMolen. I'm having lunch with him on March 31.

Donald Brown said...

I was almost going to say no to all of them again this week; but I'll go for Deborah Warren, for her last two lines.

Andrew Shields said...

Greg: That's the first vote I've ever had with that explanation! :-)

gabrielle said...

"Before saying any of the great words...."
I like the humour in it.

Colin Will said...

I had the pleasure of meeting Peter Porter and hearing him read on Sunday night, and I have to admit I was tempted to choose his poem, but in the end I'll go for Jason Gray's Letter to the Unconverted. It just pushed more of my buttons.

Anonymous said...

"Before Saying Any of the Great Words." Wow! Huerta puts the fun in profundity.

Michael Listening said...

Huerta: Before Saying Any of the Great Words.
I failed to get the fun part, still I thought it to be brilliant. I am going to think about the word 'undeniable' all day long. Hans-Otto Apel, anyone?
I wonder: is there anyone around who actually liked both Huerta and Gray? Because I cannot imagine a point of view from which one could like them both. Undeny that!

Katy Loebrich said...

Gray - Letter to the Unconverted

Runners-up: Sand, & Dream with Flowers and a Bowl of Fruit. Despite the latter's use of the word "tablescape," which annoys me solely for the reference to Food Network host Sandra Lee, whose show irks the heck out of me when she talks about making her "lovely tablescapes." Sounds so hokey!

Marion McCready said...

Another vote for Jason Gray!

Gabe said...

I am once again an outlier: I go with Haute Cuisine.

Anonymous said...

Huerta's 'Before Saying Any of the Great
Words' is my first choice this week, and
Gray's 'Letter to the Unconverted' is my
second choice ... So there, Michael L!

But I had trouble (again!) with this group of
poems, hunting for something/anything that
truly caught my attention for more than just
a phrase (or line) or two.

-- dhsh

swiss said...

huerta for me

Linda S. Socha said...

Interesting choice of for me. My vote goes to Letter to the Unconverted with The Little Fish have gone a second


Shadow said...

deborah warren

Totalfeckineejit said...


Linda Sue said...

LITTLE FISH brilliant!

The lady in Red said...

Dave suggested your blog and I enjoyed reading! Wunderbar! I vote in Jason Cray.

Best wishes,

Andrew Shields said...

It's Saturday afternoon and time to post the results. There is currently a tie between two poems, and I could use my vote to break it, but I'm not going to, because there is one I like better than the two that are tied: Deborah Warren's "Dream with Flowers and a Bowl of Fruit."

Susan English Mason said...

is for Deborah Warren, Dream with Flowers and Bowl of Fruit. I read all of them twice and this one resonated within me.

Andrew Shields said...

PL: I already posted the results, but I've added your email address to the list of those who will receive the next call for votes! Thanks for participating!