Thursday, August 23, 2007

August 23

I've been reading Spoon River Anthology, by Edgar Lee Masters. Thanks to my Mom, I found out that he shares my birthday (or I share his, if you prefer): today, August 23. He's a bit older than me. In any case, I just realized it's a prime birthday (43), which means nothing, but is touching anyway (an Austerlitz reference, for you Sebald fans).


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, Andrew. Many happy returns!


Anonymous said...


Happy--somewhat belated--birthday!

Andrew Shields said...

Greg, Karin: Edgar and I both thank you for your good wishes! :-)

mrjumbo said...

Many happy returns! Did you blow out all those candles? Was there global warming?

SarahJane said...

shoot, I missed this on your birthday.
Alles Gute, nachträglich!

Andrew Shields said...

We skipped the candles so as not to contribute to global warming. :-)