Saturday, March 22, 2025

The journeys of my quest for musical transformation: through a November snowstorm and a cool spring evening to hear Andreas Schärer at the Klavierwerkstatt in Liestal

Sometimes, my quest for musical transformation involves an actual journey. On 21 November 2024, I went through the dark and white night of a snowstorm to the Klavierwerkstatt in Liestal to hear the trio of vocalist Andreas Schärer, guitarist Kalle Kalima, and bassist Tim Lefebvre. Last night, exactly four months later, I went to the same venue on a cool, dry spring evening to hear Schärer and pianist Daniel García. Even without the storm, the trip there felt like a magical quest, with two buses, a train, a third bus, and a walk through the night alongside a stream to get to the venue, where Schärer and García cast their spells. (Andrew Shields, #111Words, 22 March 2025)

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