Thursday, November 18, 2021

Reading "this Eyrawyg-gla saga": The return of the Finnegans Wake reading group in Basel

Because of the pandemic, the Finnegans Wake reading group in Basel stopped meeting at the beginning of March 2020. Yesterday, we held a meeting for the first time in almost 21 months. We stopped on page 50, two pages into chapter three of book one, so we decided to go back to page 48 to start again. In our summary of the first two chapters to start our discussion, we recalled Hosty as the author of "The Ballad of Persse O'Reilly", which concludes chapter two, so we happily found "poor Osti-Fosti" as the author of "this Eyrawyg-gla saga" ("Finnegans Wake" itself), who is clearly James Joyce himself with his "tenorist voice". (Andrew Shields, #111words, 18 November 2021)

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