A Happy Birthday to Oscar Wilde, who was born 160 years ago today. Here's Lord Henry in The Picture of Dorian Gray:
Play me a nocturne, Dorian, and, as you play, tell me, in a low voice,
how you have kept your youth. You must have some secret. I am only ten
years older than you are, and I am wrinkled, and worn, and yellow. You
are really wonderful, Dorian. You have never looked more charming than
you do to-night. You remind me of the day I saw you first. You were
rather cheeky, very shy, and absolutely extraordinary. You have changed,
of course, but not in appearance. I wish you would tell me your secret.
To get back my youth I would do anything in the world, except take
exercise, get up early, or be respectable. Youth! There is nothing like
it. It's absurd to talk of the ignorance of youth. The only people to
whose opinions I listen now with any respect are people much younger
than myself. They seem in front of me. Life has revealed to them her
latest wonder. As for the aged, I always contradict the aged. I do it on
principle. If you ask them their opinion on something that happened
yesterday, they solemnly give you the opinions current in 1820, when
people wore high stocks, believed in everything, and knew absolutely